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Stealth • 17h

Most of the apps, Series A lene k baad pata chalte hai. which means - failed product. Failed at marketing. Which means no one is talking about your product. It didn't create any stirr. Especially in social media category.



Bebyond • 10h

Social Media Apps die because they need constant updates and new features to keep the users otherwise users get bored of the same feature. While I was handling an Indian Social Media platform's portfolio for a while, its USA-based market leader and competitor was constantly pushing them backwards by taking legal steps left, right and centre. Although we had a great success rate in all of these matters. However, it becomes exhaustive for the company to handle the pressure from the market leader. Running a Social Media Platform looks great from the far sight just like a restaurant, but in real life, it is hard to retain the users and keep up with the engagement of the users. Look at Instagram, constantly trying new features.

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