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Preksha Srivastava

Stealth • 6d

Hi folks! I am simply a graduate right now and am preparing for something next year . I simply earn 1k to 2k a month, which is like nothing much but not less enough. what would you guys suggest me to build a good portfolio. I would rather spend that See More

Harshal Gaikwad

Stealth • 6d

save every penny so that in future you can start ur firm/company. trust me even 100rs will be valuable when you start a company. currently that money is nothing. investing is worthless cuz even in 5 year, it will be 5x max.

Preksha Srivastava

Stealth • 6d

i know saving is good but to be honest saving is not my thing . i personally believe that saving at an early age can lead to unnecessary path . I wanna be an experienced one I'll fail but I'll except those failures and become a good one. I love havin See More

Harshal Gaikwad

Stealth • 5d

I'm 21 and just started a business 3 months ago. I wished I hadn't wasted my money on food or college. if you save 100rs by not eating a burger, you can reach out to 4 customers if your customer acquisition cost is 20rs. that's how business people th See More

Harshal Gaikwad

Stealth • 5d

5 customers* my bad

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