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Stealth • 10d

finally I am back. I have been very depressed and lost in life for the past few months regarding my job hunting and the first job of my life. at last I more like to give up and take a balanced job with below avg pay. there are many mistakes I have See More

Nawal Yadav

Stealth • 10d

Hey brother , Hope you are doing well . Wanna do something amazing ? 😂


Stealth • 10d

hey man wassup! I hope you are doing well. always ready man what is it?

Nawal Yadav

Stealth • 10d

Looking for new ideas


Stealth • 9d

hey nawal, I just wanted to know about your startup. how it's shaped up and what exactly happened over time. yup, I am too brain storming for some ideas. but can't find a good market fit for most at the moment.

Nawal Yadav

Stealth • 9d

What's your background ? tech or buisness guy ?


Stealth • 9d

my degree is in tech, but my passion is in business. I am more like a mixed person.

Nawal Yadav

Stealth • 9d

Why don't we build something haha ..top 5 medial tech / biz guy 😂😂


Stealth • 9d

At the moment I am not capable of starting anything as such. as I am more of a fresher. my experience and expertise does not come out well right now. may be definitely in future. currently need to settle in my current job and have some other commitments. but definitely in future.

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