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Stealth • 22d

Hey everyone! I’m working on an educational initiative designed to solve a pressing issue in rural areas—lack of access to consistent, high-quality education. In many places like Bihar, school education often falls short, and while coaching centers e See More

Akshay Rasam

Stealth • 21d

But the issue with this is improper infrastructure, electricity issue and access to internet in some rural areas



Stealth • 21d

In Bihar, there are 38 districts with 154 town councils, which means these town councils have no issues with electricity, infrastructure, or internet connectivity. In these areas, a large number of students usually come from nearby rural villages, often cycling to study in these town councils. My point is that these students are already studying somewhere, but they lack quality and better infrastructure. If they are given the choice of a brand that is present throughout the state, they will definitely select it. If u r curious then i can elaborate it more,let me know in dm.

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