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Seeking ₹5 Crore for Revolutionary Social Media App Dear Potential Investors, We are Makeface Technologies, and we are excited to introduce a groundbreaking social media application that will transform digital connections. Our app uses a unique tec

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Stealth • 1m

Seriously ? Why are you feeling so hurted with my feedback ? If you really think that giving egoistic and self obsessed replies make your product better then continuously passing these types of illogical negative replies to your Early customers. Do you know after this reply i will spread negativity about your product because you're making this personal by passing derogatory comments on someones body . Do you know the meaning of professionalism in business ? Even you don't know how to accepts negative feedbacks and convert into postive feedbacks seriously you really think that modifying something on current tech give you chance to eat market share of social media giants ? Please do some research and learn about meta, they are investing billions on this type of technology but here you're just saying magic and giving negative reply to me without any reason. Also do you really think that android and iOS gives you permission to track everyone ?

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