Why do people run after followers?
I know it matters for them who want to be influencers.
But what about people who are in your social groups but very sensitive about follower to following ratio and always check whether someone unfollowed them to u
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Gowtham Siddartha
CTO of Xeality Pvt L... • 3m
Everyone should learn how to use AI tools like Chatgpt, Gemini, etc. to streamline their tasks. Although these tools are available for free, some people may not be taking full advantage of them. What's really stopping them from using these tools?
A person should never be ashamed to admit their mistakes. 🌟
For by admitting them, they acknowledge that today they are wiser than they were yesterday. 📚✨
Skills that a Founder should know , not Ambition, Risk Taking , Visionary but
Actual Business Skills like Marketing , Sales , Negotiation,
Would be an help if I can know more and where to learn them.
If you are remotely related to interview, then you should be asking this question so that you never get bad surprises after a hire.
Ask them, "I hate surprises. Can you tell me something that might go wrong now, so that I am not surprised when it h
According to reports Ratan Tata once dated Simi Garewal but Many date and plan to marry, but something often stops them from taking that final step then she married to Ravi Mohan, a member of Delhi's prestigious Chunnamal Also Rata Tata has decided t
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Payal Manghnani
#uiux designer #free... • 9m
Consistency matters but
I know this thing I learn things but after some time I get bored with things.
What should I do
I have noticed that the company still hires people who have very little knowledge.
Do big companies really matter about % cri
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3 replies3 likes
Pranav Alonay
studypartnerfinder.c... • 11m
Hi me and my friend have created this site(MVP) to help people find study partner from their stress online and to study with them
You can login this site by using the following email and password
Email : pirara8727@irnini.com
Password : 123456
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11 replies14 likes
Chamarti Sreekar
Passionate about Pos... • 13d
I thought of a simple idea to implement this IPL season , if everything's right it would make even million in annual revenue without need of full time focus just a one time hassle , the idea soo good and soo...easy to implement!!!
but the problem i
I already have a company of digital marketing and now I am starting a clothing company
On the digital marketing I own 100%. But now I am thinking to start the clothing business with a co founder!
What's your opinion on my desicion..
He will be a ide