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Hi, I am a 23 year old MBA in Marketing and Business Ananytics. currently working in a good fintech company in sales department its been 2 months idk there is alot of pressure and i am not for this field. I have keen interest in everything tech be

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Anonymous 1

Stealth • 2m

I'd suggest leveraging your degree rather than starting from scratch in a purely technical role. Look into Product Management - it's a field that requires both business acumen and technical understanding. Your MBA, sales experience, and interest in tech make you a good fit. Start by learning the basics of software development processes, user experience design, and data analysis. Read books on product management and take online courses. Your graphic design skills will be useful in creating product mockups. Network with product managers on LinkedIn and attend tech meetups. This path allows you to be involved in tech without needing deep technical expertise immediately.

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