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Hey medial im using WhatsApp as mvp and got 5k users in 4 week. Demands is super high for our product. What is the best way to find right technical co founder how much equity should I offer him as we are not in ideation and already have outstandin

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Vaibhav Nanda

Stealth • 3m

Hey there, vaibhav here from Decoders Labs We are a venture studio that builds accelerates and invests in early and growth stage startups. Best part we work in equity! Would love to connect and learn more about your biz and see how we can help fuel your rocketship! More about us here : https://grow10x.notion.site/Decoders-Labs-6c9ae00ac88f456ca874521e28aeb2e5?pvs=4 My LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/vai

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