Please suggest channels in telegram aimed to increase productivity? Channels that provide world news, business news, startup news, stock market news….and all the productivity channels that you follow?
1 replies1 like
Rajan Paswan
Stealth • 8m
Promoted Content on News TV Channels Should be Clearly Mentioned!!
YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and E-commerce website such as Amazon and Flipkart all show what content on their platform is being artificially promoted by paid means.
News TV channels
Idea For You Implement Now
So guy's we all know that Indian news channels are not so professional and unbiased like other foreign News channels even they are not trying to give proper fact arguments and news. The market size of Indian news channel
Bro, I don’t understand these stock market news channels. Their market sentiment changes every day, and all their facts are 3-4 days old. Today, I was watching a video where a guy was saying that the Nifty’s PE ratio is 25 while sitting on a live cha
@medial wnated to know how did you choosed which news publishers should be on news section, have you collaborated with them , is there manual selection of which of their articles should be on medial because they post different content too,
How Amazon and Flipkart used to avoid scam by sellers during early days? I am asking when Fulfilment by Amazon and Flipkart was not very prominent. I have heard in news channels that one guy ordered laptop through Flipkart have received bricks.
Why do people spend their day just scrolling through Instagram? Should we consider this a big concern?
5 replies18 likes
Stealth • 3m
dear medial,
your showcase policy should be changed. Because all ideas should be seen. Then the winner should be given. Because everyone's idea's are good. Their self-confidence should not be lost.And should get funding. You should collabor