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Srivatsan Sreedaran  • 

Boeing • 12d

I was just going through some AI news and damn ..... Snowflake Arctic, an enterprise-grade LLM that delivers top-tier performance in SQL generation, coding, and instruction-following benchmarks at a fraction of traditional costs!!! I also read that Arctic leverages a unique architecture and an open-source approach, making advanced LLM capabilities... Want to explore more on this as it would be a game changer for small scale startups....

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

This is a locked reply, you cant read this without downloading the app. Nice try if you are trying. Not possible on the web at the moment

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

This is a locked reply, you cant read this without downloading the app. Nice try if you are trying. Not possible on the web at the moment

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

This is a locked reply, you cant read this without downloading the app. Nice try if you are trying. Not possible on the web at the moment

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

This is a locked reply, you cant read this without downloading the app. Nice try if you are trying. Not possible on the web at the moment

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