I want to share an idea with Medial app users that is first I want to share my details how the idea has come in my thoughts.. I am Diploma pursuing student final year now I am from middle class I want to do part time job but I have to manage my clg timings and work timings but my part time job is in my father cafe only.. I thought that every student clg timings was 9.30AM to 4.30PM.After 4.30PM every student may be free I think so.. The daily turnover of Indian street food business is 3000cr per day where this street food business is unorganized in India.. The every street food vendors works only 6.00PM to 10.00PM Where they can upto earn minimum 1000 rupees..I want to create a part time jobs for the people like me who don't want to depend on there parents for money after 19 years aged this street business has potential where we can create a lot of part time jobs for the students and support to build there networking with good people.. I just share my idea with you people.. Thankyou
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