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Vrajesh R S

Stealth • 5m

To all the entrepreneurs out there, how do u think the number of Co-founders should be determined for any startup? What do you guys think is the ideal no of co founders especially with tech startups?

Jagriti Shreya


Predict Growth • 5m

2 should do or at max 3. It is more relevant by roles they play - Primarily - One should conceptualise & build the product Second should have the tech expertise to build it (most cases 1 & 2 are usually done by 1 person) Third - Someone who understa See More

Rajan Paswan

Stealth • 5m

Very good answer. One co-founder should have Core skill required to build the startup.(these can be any number but too many co-founder can make decisions making process slow and high chance of conflict) Another co-founder should have business expertise. Such as sales/marketing and etc just like u said.

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