Student • 10m
Let's Cover one Undiscovered Unicorn 🦄 • ElasticRun is a B2B ecommerce platform that focuses on connecting FMCG and grocery brands with rural markets in India. • Founded in 2016 by Sandeep Deshmukh, Saurabh Nigam, and Shitiz Bansal. Funding and
Founder & CEO • 10m
Yes I know, I was one of the supplier from my area to elasticrun.
But they are solving genuine problem.
Unorganised market doesn't mean it's a problem. Most of time it's a best market to learn by networking yourself, taking risk by yourself, establish yourself in a jungle, etc. you will learn alot in unorganised market.
Absolutely 💯
LOVE THIS NEW UPDATE! Absolutely gorgeous 💯
Medial • 6m
Absolutely crazy! Legend.
Hey I am on Medial • 7m
Passionate about Pos... • 1m
Perplexity's design team absolutely nailed it
🗿 • 11m
Who do you have absolutely no sympathy for?
Pi ecosystem 💥💥 jo... • 4m
Medial💥💥💥💥 Best platform for new ideas. 👍👍👍 at least better than other social media garbage. 💯💯💯💯
This absolutely sounds correct. Great article. FB is totally zombified.
Hey I am on Medial • 5m
fact 💯 Rahul malodia 🔥🔥🔥 must watch 💯
Pi ecosystem 💥💥 jo... • 3m
Bitcoin + KYC + Real Usecase for all = Pi coin. 💯💯
HI • 3m
Sam Altman's Concise Startup Wisd ...
AI in SaaS: How to Integrate, Imp ...
Meet the Norwegian Techie Who Fou ...
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