We have the biggest Railway Network!
We have the largest no. of Small vendors.
Still we aren't able to sell anything through this network!
Don't you think It's highly unorganised!
In food side things are getting organised here
But still the network o
For entrepreneur we have
Tinder like app- coffeeespace
Twitter like app- medial
We should have a LinkedIn also. Isn't it?
6 replies4 likes
Manasvi Dawane
Stealth • 7m
Making connect for n&w S5
Definitely not an LinkedIn or dating app
any suggestions ?
7 replies4 likes
Tanmay Sinha
Mr Programmer • 4m
Medial seems similar to Linkedin!
Isn't it?
5 replies5 likes
Rohan Saha
Stealth • 11m
Hello medial team, Why am I unable to connect my LinkedIn account here? Any one ---
1 replies7 likes
Lokesh Kabra
Stealth • 9m
Read my code talks #8 on linkedin
0 replies2 likes
Soumya Ranjan Dash
Stealth • 10m
Why can't I connect my linkedin Or any other social platform? Am I only facing the bug
2 replies7 likes
Aryan Bisoyi
Stealth • 5m
How this app is different from other platforms like LinkedIn or twitter. Is this app helpful & how much time you spend on this app??
2 replies4 likes
Stealth • 10d
Just updated the whole interface of my personal website
0 replies5 likes
Prasheek Jagtap
Stealth • 7m
Happy to inform you guys that we got incubated with IMED Pune. If anyone one wants to connect with me you can check out my profile for my LinkedIn, would be happy to connect with you all.