Back in 2022, I used to earn via KuKu FM's refer-and-earn option. I managed to earn around ₹13,300 in a week's time. However, YouTube Shorts later prohibited the use of links in the description box and comments, which significantly impacted my earnin
What is your age range?
Trying to find the average age on Medial to understand which age group has entrepreneurship on their mind the most and are using Medial.
Please mention your age in the comments if you are above 35 years
Life really comes into perspective when your friend, who works at a major power transmission company says:- it's easier to sell to VCs, not so much to companies.
His boss btw is 65 y/o. Age Anxiety only exists in fast moving industries.
Most respe
Do want to send your parents old age home ?
In Western nations old age home's are very popular and revenue generating business .
👴👵 What's your views on this ?