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Niket Raj Dwivedi


Medial • 1y

New update alert - Medial. Hi everyone! Thanks for being a active member of the tribe! We appreciate all the constructive feedback that you guys have been giving our team on what to improve on the app. Acting on that today we have release a new version of the app which will be live on Playstore (for android users) by tonight and Applstore (for apple users) by tomorrow. Features are as follows- 1) Navigation made easy- Home page which contains the feed now has horizontal swipe to switch between trending and latest feed. A lot of you thought posts are not coming on Medial because you couldn’t discover the “Latest” feed option. Trending only shows the best curated content from all the posts that come in a day. 2) News and Articles- Both these pages are now merged into one and can be switched between each other by a horizontal swipe again making navigation easier. 3) Posts tab in “My Profile” section. You can see all your replies and posts in one place from your own profile page for easy navigation. In an upcoming future release we will separate posts and replies in different tabs in the profile page for even more convenience. 4) Delete post/Reply option. After constant request we have introduced “Delete” option for posts and replies which can be accessed by clicking the three dots on the right hand side of your post or reply. Remember the entire text will get deleted and it will show that “The user has deleted this post” instead of the entire post/content disappearing. Edit option is in the pipeline but might not be introduced for a long time. NOTE- Only non-anonymous posts can be deleted. Anonymous posts cannot be deleted due their privacy protocols on the app. 5) Polls on feed- Now you can ask a question or do a survey with upto four options on which users can vote. Polls were limited to the platform in the news feed and was only created by us till now. Now all of you can create your own Polls and get public opinion! Polls can already be created with users who have updated their apps but can only be seen/used by other users if they have updated their own apps. 6) Brand new search page- Now you can search for users, posts, news and articles from our all new search page. Just make sure after clicking on search you first select the sub-tab of users or news or whatever you are trying to search. Happy connecting with people. Note- you will appear on top of user search only if you fill complete your profile. Please add experience, social links, summary and portfolio. 7) Images can now be zoomed. Permissions issue is now fixed. Upload your new DP’s flawlessly! App share button has been added in settings page. Note- App is available in dark and light mode but it depends on your device preference so if your phone by default has been set in dark mode, you will see dark mode of Medial and vice-versa. We will soon introduce an in-app switch for this. That’s all the changes for now. In the upcoming features, we are working on some mind-blowing productive features. Stay tuned for more! Keep showering your love on us. We’re glad to have such great support and love by our users. Please rate us on playstore and appstore so that we can reach out to more users. Also please COMPLETE your profile, add your experience and portfolio to access some of the exclusive features that are coming soon. Let us know if you have any questions! Cheers!

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Stealth • 5m

remaining features :- pods real time chats polls news search bar trending posts saved posts feed following feed (paused this project due to midterm exams 😭)

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Gaurab Gogoi

Stealth • 1d

what about a platform, where users can create polls only. that helps the users to decide something. kind of a different and unique social media on polls. As an full-stack web dev + devops, I would like to have discussions and validation on this ide

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PRATHAM Khandelwal

Stealth • 1m

If I’m not mistaken, the medial application never recommends old posts or customizes your feed based on your likes?

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Stealth • 9m

So how do posts go on the trending page in medial? I think I've had some posts where they only had like 3 likes and went on trending page.

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Pranav Patil


YouTube • 10m

GrodAI is ranking first on Google search! 🥳 🔙 Two days ago there was no GrodAI on Google. But now as we have done the SEO of our website and now it ranks first in the search results on Google. Isn't it interesting? 🤔 But how did I do it? Just t

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Stealth • 9m

Some suggestions for Medial team : - Having a dedicated category for Case studies and extremely long form content - Having filters on the feed [Trending/Latest] posts to disable listing of those categories / blog posts. - Having filters on search re

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Rohith R

Stealth • 2m

SEO Lane Series - Lane 3 25 Common SEO Terminologies. ___________________________________ These are some of the terms you should be aware of while doing SEO, 1 - Keywords: Words or phrases people type into search engines to find information. 2 -

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Desi Founder

Stealth • 1m

Medial App Features Suggestions: 1. Polls should have a time limit to end. 2. Multi-image posting option for desktop. 3. Introduce #Hashtags maybe. 4. Comment replies can be threaded like on Reddit. 5. DM option on desktop. 6. Sort posts on feed bas

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Niket Raj Dwivedi


Medial • 2m

Announcement- Changes in Community Guidelines for posting on Feed. We have realised that with rapid growth in users base, most new users aren’t even reading the community guidelines before posting. As a result the quality of latest feed has taken a

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Harsh Dwivedi


Medial • 21d

The following feed is now live on our website. Do check it out and give any feedback if you have before we release this on app. Why following feed? So that you can have a focused section to scroll through as latest becomes very cluttered sometimes.

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Download the medial app to read full posts, comements and news.