
Niket Raj Dwivedi


Medial • 1y

Hi folks, introducing feed to the platform today! Our team has worked tirelessly to introduce a switchable identity platform feed for the first time ever! Every post and reply under it is treated as an individual post, we will eventually introduce reposting when there's a free-feed (right now you have pods where you can post). There are pods which are mandatory to be selected while you are posting. This is to increase relevance and to set context. Some basics to keep in mind- 1) You can post/comment anonymously or with your real identity. Your anon posts/comments cannot be traced back to you, we are using a fire-and-forget method to hash your identity. 2) Do not name anyone or any company while posting anon if the post directly attacks an individual's or entity's image. Defaming will not be tolerated on Medial. The point is to enable democratic conversations, not spread hate speech like completely anon platforms. 3) Be kind and helpful in the community. Help anyone with any issues they are facing if you can and have expertise in it. 4) No offensive stuff. Ever. 5) We can't access any real ID from an anon comment/post so please allow us to keep the platform clean, although we might remove/delete something if it harms the community or is done in bad taste. 6) We cannot, even on the backend access your anon posts/comments. Your identity is 100% protected and hashed. 7) Be helpful, share democratically but don't divulge any official files directly. You can hint at stuff but don't attack anyone. That's it! We hope you like the feed! Discuss growth, startups, fundraising, tech, product, refer jobs, help with internships, debate crazy on the latest happenings of tech! And in case you have an issue email to us on help @ medial (dot) app! Cheers!

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Restricting specific pods and account from feed is something I definitely need in next update coz I don't think any of us use medial to get any random knowledge like Insta we want our personalized feed...

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Hello folks! New here! Love the news feed and the home feed anon feature! Hoping to contribute my fair share to the tribe!

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Saurav Singh

Building Hackmind.i... • 4d

how to use this pods while posting a post, please any one guide me

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Keen Learner & Explo... • 1y

To all those people who post as anonymous account I have an interesting question for you all "Why do you post as anonymous ? why don't with your real identity ? what is the difference in your post when you post from your real account ?" You see here

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man_00e • 6m

remaining features :- pods real time chats polls news search bar trending posts saved posts feed following feed (paused this project due to midterm exams 😭)

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Niket Raj Dwivedi


Medial • 1y

Announcement- New PODS (Groups)! Hello folks! We have added 5 new pods on your demand- 1) Finance (For finance and stock market) 2) Co-founder Search (incase you want an awesome buddy to start-up with) 3) Hyderabad (since a lot of Hyderabad users

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The more an idea is tied to your identity, the more you will ignore evidence it is false. People seem to have no trouble finding reasons to ignore the merits of ideas they dislike. To continue to grow and learn, you must be willing to update, expand

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How to make your every post trending Firstly there is a hard as well as easy way for it A) Easy way: be the ceo B) hard way. This has four steps (Step one been the most important will be covered last) Step 2: after 5 minutes comment something fro

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Niket Raj Dwivedi


Medial • 11m

Should we ban the anon who is spamming useless polls? 😄

13 replies6 likes

Tanmay Sinha


Mr Programmer • 6m

Medial should completely remove a deleted post from the feed. Else, it also looks like a Post, intended to prank followers 😅.

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