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Anu Sarveshu

Stealth • 16h

i basically have a startup idea but i dont know where to start so i have this idea of creating a smartphone company . i know you are thinking what so different about it , it is way different than todays boring and distractive smartphones . the q See More

Nishant singh

Stealth • 13h

bro at this level the only possible way it to focus on design because rest of thing are outsourced only . Software wise you won't be able to build with a small team so focus on Design . Go to china talk to manufacturers and give them your design and See More

Anu Sarveshu

Stealth • 12h

i talked to manufacturers in china but there minimum order quantity is 15000 to 20000 but its quite expensive and then the question is how I can go for investment

Nishant singh

Stealth • 12h

make you design and prepare a business plan and go to investor explaining how your product can be the next big thing in market. it's all storytelling, the better you do easier will be to raise money. point is what you have that no one is offering or See More

Anu Sarveshu

Stealth • 11h

where do I can find investors?? it's quite interesting question

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