How did you guys come up with the name-Medial?
Wouldn't any other name be better where we could use the word as an verb? Like Google-Googling, Twitter- Tweeting....What would that be for medial?
Startup Struggles – The No-Face Edition
Me to Customer: “Hey, can you send a pic wearing our Drip SquadX apparel? Would love to feature our early customers!”
Them: “Sure! But no face in the pic.”
Me: “Cool, totally fine.”
At this rate, our next b
Dear Community!
May I have your attention ⚠️ Please.
We're Launching a New Energy Dink Brand and Need Your Help!
An Energy Drink for all,
What should We Name It? Share your Suggestions and Help Us Choose a Great Name.
😂 Chinese little girl reports Tesla bug to Musk.
A seven-year-old girl from China found a bug in Tesla that prevented her from drawing and asked Elon Musk to fix it. The businessman noticed the cute video and personally promised that the problem wo