Co-Build a VC Fund in Public: Day 14 (the power of resilience) Perseverance and resilience are key qualities in every founder. Can you believe that in 2008, Airbnb was on the brink of shutting down? They did everything they could, maxed out credit cards, and even sold custom-made cereal boxes to raise funds! Some called their idea terrible and they faced 7 rejections by investors. Building a startup is like building a ship and trying to steer it through a hurricane at the same time. But the interesting part is that the storm does not last forever! Those who can endure it come out stronger, sharper, and bolder - and those are the ones who change the world. You know what the Airbnb founders did instead of giving up? They refined their platform, kept fighting, and stuck it out. Now it is a multi-billion-dollar company. This proves that resilience through rough times can set you up for big wins. It is life! You cannot avoid setbacks. So, remember to be more stubborn than the storm and more obstinate than the wind. Your grit should be the only constant in the changing times! So what is one storm that you have weathered that made you stronger? We continue to back these resilient founders, who just refuse to give up. We continue to back these founders who will never accept defeat. We back these founders and co-build companies at Ortella Global Capital - OG Capital, India's only fund that co-builds companies with Gaurav Verma and Rajvardhan Mohite #Entrepreneurship #StartupJourney #NeverGiveUp #Resilience #Innovation #VCFund #VentureCapital #OGCapital #OrtellaGlobalCapital #OrtellaGlobal #cobuilding
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