If someone experienced is free, can you please teach me about the stock market and investing. It would be of immense help.
Just another 15 y/o trying to build connections.
You know why they say -" Never judge a book by its cover"
It was a long time ago a man approached Enzo Ferrari the founder of supercar brand Ferrari . The man said that there was a clutch problem in Ferrari cars . He said that he could fix it . Now
This post isn't an advestising about medial!
The sheer amount of brains that run amongst us is just incredible and witnessing this on such a young platform is truly remarkable!
I myself have thought about many ideas to work upon but never have i ev
Truly Inhumanity!!
Man Ordered iPhone via COD in Lucknow.
The iPhone Was Worth ₹1.5 Lakh.
He Killed Delivery Boy After Receiving It.
Never Thought Being a Delivery Person Can Be So Dangerous, He Did Nothing To Lose His Life.
Startups are not about ambition but it is actually about solving and actual problems. We often use the heart while starting business but forget that business is never about your wish or heart. It's all about the Excel sheets!
you can read a story nar