How to find investors, who will invest only on my idea. Because I have only an idea and how to find investors on LinkedIn or do you know other platforms please suggest me and how to contact them.
9 replies3 likes
Vikram P
Stealth • 1m
I have an app that can generate $5000 per day but I don't have investors .What should I do? Where can I find the investors?
6 replies6 likes
Tanzeem Shaikh
Stealth • 8m
Can someone tell me how can I find emails and contact of company to collaborate with them??
So I'm here for a suggestion, I'm working on company but I found some difficulties, and currently I found difficulties in making a prototype can anyone suggest something so that we can make prototype of our earbuds and eventually find investors
5 replies4 likes
Electra Tech
Stealth • 2m
How to find Angle Investors
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John Korra
Stealth • 2m
how to find the investors
6 replies1 like
vashisht sharma
Stealth • 1m
"I have my startup's PPT ready, including revenue and everything. Now, I just need investors who can provide funding. Can you tell me where I can find investors and how I can pitch my project to them?"
Thank you. 😊