Naval Ravikant: “The future will be almost all startups”
Naval Ravikant predicted in 2012 that company sizes would shrink dramatically.
He believed that technology would make economies of scale less relevant, allowing tiny teams to build billion-d
If you all believe in Crypto, now I feel it's being traded at a good price especially Ethereum. ( 40% OFF) Although I don't believe it totally, I observe it as it's interesting. What Do you think about it?
If I was a believer of crypto I would ha
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Rehmat Ali
Founder of toolverse... • 1m
From tomorrow I will start a new series in which I will post on 100 days 100 how to start a business, so follow it, don't know if any of your doubts get cleared 🤑🫠
I am a Finance Student... I am M.Com as well as NET in finance... I have a very good Business Idea... But it will took atleast 2.5 Cr finance....RISK PROOF And 100% Sure at the Same time It will give be 1.5CR PROFIT in just 1 year... Guaranteed. 100%
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Aman meshram
Finding business gap... • 6m
"Money is in doing boring stuff"
What is your take on it?
even I believe the same
Prove me wrong?
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Harsh Verma
Reach your peak • 9m
I want to earn ₹100 daily, can anyone help me to earn ₹100 daily? Please it's urgent.