Naval Ravikant: “The future will be almost all startups”
Naval Ravikant predicted in 2012 that company sizes would shrink dramatically.
He believed that technology would make economies of scale less relevant, allowing tiny teams to build billion-d
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Anonymous 1
Hey I am on Medial • 1m
Naval was right—small teams, big impact.
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Big impact, small team: Telegram’s $30B run with 30 people
Naval Ravikant: “The future will be almost all startups”
Naval Ravikant predicted in 2012 that company sizes would shrink dramatically.
He believed that technology would make economies of scale less relevant, allowing tiny teams to build billion-d
🍕Ever heard of the "Two Pizza Rule"?
Jeff Bezos built Amazon on this simple idea:
**“If two pizzas can’t feed your team, it’s too big.”**
Sounds quirky, but it’s genius. Here’s why it WORKS:
🚀 **Small Teams → Big Results:**
- 5-7 people