🌍 We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram , where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission bu
We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram, where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission but Fr
What is difference between Startup and Bussiness ?
Can any one share detail information
6 replies1 like
Sheiden Borges
Entrepreneur | E-com... • 1m
Everyone says "Crypto is illegal in India"..
How can something illegal be taxed then? 🤦🏻
2 replies5 likes
Armaan Nath
Founder's Office | P... • 11m
What is that one thing that made Spotify so big?
I am not a regular user of the application but still figuring out what made this application a success 🤔
Should we have another application to compete with Spotify?
2 replies1 like
Health begins after ... • 2m
Another one!
Another opportunity.
#Ayurveda #takingayurvedaglobally #makingsenseofayurvedaasascience #ayurvedascience #scienceayurevda
something what we are doing
What are the Legal and Illegal ways for founder to make money from their Startup?
One being that buy the domain in your name, and when the company gets big, take huge royalty.
1 replies6 likes
Kamana Tripathi
WYLD • 11m
Can we have multiple Link Support Please?
For now we can only add one link.
Or if there is some other way do let me know :D