Teen self-care brand Sammmm has secured Rs 10 crore ($1.2 million) in a seed funding round. The round was led by Fireside Ventures, with participation from Sauce VC and angel investors Nihir Parikh, Sachin Parikh, and Shantanu & Nikhil Mehra.
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Anonymous 1
Stealth • 14h
These? Grey haired balding uncles are building a teen self care thing? 😂😂😂
Encountered with the Question
"What is the one thing that most People disagree on with You
1) Tell me your Thoughts
2) What are some of the Best ways to get answer to these Self-Introspective Thoughts ?
5 replies15 likes
Stealth • 8m
How to build a brand and what are the hidden factors which needs to be taken care when building one?
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Ahad Rahman
Stealth • 4m
How am I going To build This big Thing Difynd?
This is Called Self Doubt, nowadays suffering a lot with it!
Asaan Lafzon mein I am building ETSY but India Ka!
What are the different things that a teen can try to earn money other than-:
•Digital marketing
•Content creation
Like if someone want to explore something else other than these options?