Stay Strong Against Loan Recovery Harassment If you or someone you know is being harassed by loan recovery agents, remember this: you have rights, and you don’t have to suffer in silence. 1: Protect Your Personal Details: Never share sensitive information like OTPs, account passwords, or additional personal details with anyone claiming to be a recovery agent. Your KYC (Know Your Customer) information should remain confidential. 2: Be Cautious About KYC Videos: Some agents may misuse KYC videos or documents to intimidate or threaten you. Always verify the authenticity of the request before sharing any details. 3: Know Your Rights: Recovery agents are legally bound by strict guidelines. They cannot threaten, intimidate, or use your personal information against you. Familiarize yourself with the legal protections in place. 4: Document Everything: Keep a record of all communication—calls, messages, or visits. This documentation can help you take action if your personal information is being misused. 5: Seek Legal Help: If the harassment becomes overwhelming or involves misuse of your KYC details, consult a lawyer or approach local authorities. There are laws in place to protect you from such unethical practices. 6: File Complaints: Lodge a formal complaint with the financial institution, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), or consumer protection forums if your personal details are being used to harass you. Note : Banks, NBFCs, and their agents have no right to share your KYC details or KYC video with your reference numbers or any of your contacts. Doing so is completely illegal and a violation of IT laws and RBI guidelines. If this happens, you can take legal action or file a complaint on the RBI website.
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