In a heartwarming tale of passion, perseverance, and innovation, brothers Anand Nahar and Amrit Nahar have transformed their love for cooking into a thriving Rs 100-crore brand, ZORKO. From a modest investment of Rs 50,000 to a sprawling empire with
Guys, where is the subscription button. I couldn't find it anywhere here
2 replies3 likes
Aakash Sharma
Stealth • 2m
Need to start my career !
but don't know in which field should i try ?
I have degree in bcom. But don't have any relevant skill could you help me to find better career opportunities and what skills should i learn ?
#newcareer #confused #help
8 replies6 likes
Ashish Kushwaha
Stealth • 1m
I want start to food stall can you help me I want some money and you give can you invest me please bro