In a heartwarming tale of passion, perseverance, and innovation, brothers Anand Nahar and Amrit Nahar have transformed their love for cooking into a thriving Rs 100-crore brand, ZORKO. From a modest investment of Rs 50,000 to a sprawling empire with
Think Bigger, Be Better.
RING: From pitching on Shark Tank to becoming a judge on Shark Tank.
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Niket Raj Dwivedi
ย โขย
Medialย โขย 11m
Thoughts on Shark Tank India?
11 replies13 likes
Sachin Patil
Stealthย โขย 26d
waah medial on shark tank๐ซฃ
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Uttkarsh Singh
Stealthย โขย 7d
Peyush Bansal was interested in investing in Indulge Concierge on Shark Tank India S4, but as soon as he got to know that Nikhil Kamath exited from the company he also pulled himself back.