I want to create a mlm business model course selling website, which will have a hidden illegal system like mlm, in which there is not even 1% chance of loss of funds, whoever invests money in it will get profit, Investor, owner means me, the people who will give me funding, I need 10 lakh rupees in money to start this, for promotion and running all the business in the beginning, From common man to business man, everyone can invest in it. In 1 year I will double their money and give them a share in the business as per their fund. You just have to invest in it once and it will last as long as the business runs. Till then you can earn a lot of money, you can contact me on my WhatsApp number +917378186813 to give funds and you can call me on my number +919352984548 this is my instagram @sandeep_gujjar_pvt msg You can do it, don't judge my business skills by my face, I have the capability to expand a small business on a mass scale, I just need funds, leave the rest to me
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