How long this loan you have had for? Like 14th Jan is the last day i understand but since when have you not paid? And you are saying you will pay back our money lol right. If you could you wouldn't be in this position
In 1991, India just had just enough money to run expenses for 15 days. We were last in terms of PPP.
Then came Manmohan Singh. He got 500cr loan by mortgaging India's gold..
Implemented Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation ie Simplifyin
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Carguy things
❤️ • 1m
USA have 5,388 data centr ( world's 45% ) and india have only 130 as of jan 2025.
So what do you think?
does india have potential for this?
Hey hi a small suggestion to the medial founders just felt like saying after watching shark tank
why cant you position yourself as
Just a thought
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Jael Lalrammoia Daimari
Hey I am on Medial • 10m
Sometimes you don't want to but you have to ;
Since you have started it.
Is it??
What are the key abilities you have acquired since you began coding?
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Havish Gupta
Figuring Out • 7m
Why do you think that in the last 2 years, the Number of Instant Loan Startups have skyrocketed, and also almost every company have started to provide loans?
Like what happened in this period that have helps these companies dicide whom to give loans
Most of the quick commerce companies are losing money in the last mile delivery, as per you what's the best way to reduce last mile delivery cost and be profitable, if the last mile delivery is the highest expense, which is paid by quick commerce com
How did you secure your first analyst position? Did you have a college degree?
If yes, what was your field of study?
Did you have any personal connections within the company?
Did you transition from a different role within the same company?
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Rajan Paswan
Honorary Mentions - ... • 9m
How Much Do You Trust New loan Applications?
If Yes, What makes you trust them. If No, what any loan app has done which made you trust them. If you have any interesting story or personal story do share.