A panipuri seller from Tamil Nadu received a GST notice after earning Rs 40 lakh in a year through online payments—just imagine how much they must have earned offline!
Many small vendors are making big money without paying any tax.
Time to start a
I am thinking of making a insta team page on the movation niche.
What do you all think?
I make like 2 in the past but I didn't work I would get like 10 views
Is there a problem with tags?
I used chat gpt to get 30 trending tags?
Help me out I would
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2 replies4 likes
Stealth • 1m
I want to ask everyone that people say that you want should start a startup before and before that you should know the problems of if I go on road and ask people what is your problem in your life please they will say is mad person or like a awkward s