hi I have an idea about part time jobs just like linkdin but it is very unprofessional which doesn't need any kind of study or skills...my main target is part time in stores and all domestic sector..how is my idea?
hey I've a great business startup Idea, wanna hear it out ..?
7 replies1 like
Dark Studio
Stealth • 1m
hey friends,
please watch my idea and please try to figure out the problem in it then I can understand and figure out the solution for them
it would be important for me
please do it
0 replies4 likes
NS Sandeep
Stealth • 27d
Hey guys do checkout my idea on the medial showcase and do upvote if you find it good 👍 👍
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Sanjay Kumar
Stealth • 2m
I have left some ideas in this photo
In the next idea, you will get further updates on how to double this. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
✦ If you have a written idea -- try to draw it
✦ If you have a visual idea -- try to write it
✦ If you have a numerical idea -- try to explain it out loud
The process of transforming the idea from one language to another can produce a new perspect
Why don't you try to make the profile section like the bento ui style and grid style with minimal touch and based upon your theme, just try it out and iterate