Please suggest channels in telegram aimed to increase productivity? Channels that provide world news, business news, startup news, stock market news….and all the productivity channels that you follow?
Why startup definition in India is so cheap.
Another MBA, btech,++++ chai wala
Another D2C brand
Another Cafe
Another marketing agency
Another Facebook Ad agency
Another +++
Why it isn't
Another industry creator.
🚨 Deepinder to shutdown Zomato Legends - after two years of trying, not finding product market fit, we have decided to shutdown the service with immediate effect : Deepinder
5 replies4 likes
Uttkarsh Singh
Learning • 7m
The Zomato team is really a very cool team, making epic old style news advertisements, letting Samay Raina Roast them by triggering their insecurity; this startup may go in loss in future but the brand recall value which they are creating is next lev