I have a Ideo of an unique Business.
We will sale Product that are not available in India. But the product is available in Foreign countries. We will buy the product form the Foreign countries and Sale it in India.
What a amazing foreign policy India has .
2 countries leaders are engaged in war but india maintaining best relationship from both countries and gaining profits.
🙂🇮🇳 India is India no matter how much you hate but at the end of the day foreign countries doesn't not allow you to dominate in their countries and enjoy their resources so respect India before it's too late to deliver some improvements in india
Pav bhaji is one of the most famous , delicious and affordable food in india 🤤 With the market size of 500 Crores in India .
Do you think foreign countries adopt this ?
Idea For You Implement Now —
So guy's we all know that plastic is the most essential thing for every company and people in india. According to research india import Plastic of 19 billion dollars annually from foreign countries like USA and China. In
like in foreign country we can rent girlfriend,can we same implement in india?
12 replies12 likes
Idea For You Implement Now
So guys we all know that India is growing economy and people purchasing power is increasing but India is importing cooling system from foreign countries for making products like car , ac , water cooler and other industr
Jaggery Export Information:
List of importing markets for the product exported by India in 2023.
Product: 1701 Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid form
India's exports represent 9.8% of world exports for this product,