Medial • 2m
A lot of people ask us what time are users most active on Medial. The answer is 9-10 PM.
Digital Marketer • 2m
this data is from Google analytics?
Harsh Bhai Also, I have 1 question I have a startup idea and also created an app for that but it needs funding for marketing can I start approaching investors after creating a pitch desk or when I should start
Its possible to get a few 1000 users without marketing. Without that VCs wont invest because you cant build an app totally dependent on marketing
if I got 1k - 2k installs and with good DAU with marketing by spending my own money can I start looking for that because I did not have any network to get organic installs
Do seo Reddit and multiple things. Organic installs is not just about network
ok I am also in the SEO field from the last 1.5 yrs but I did not have any experience in ASO but yes I can do it also I have a question that how much DAU is good if I have 1200 installs
Ok thank you for the replies❤️
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