🚫 9TDAYVC is Shutting Down🙏 For those who don't know, 9TDAYVC is a pre-launching India's first Venture Capital attached to the Venture Studio Fund launching by May'25. And also, It is a 90 Days VC Campaign covering everything about VC'S from its roots. It garnered a lot of traction with the launch in a few days with the support of the beautiful Medial Community. Also I got many feedbacks from the last few days that: "This is textbook knowledge, We need more to learn in Practical & etc.." It is the same reflecting on the post metrics too, So This 90 Days Campaign still runs & now only available on: 1) SubStack 2) What'sApp Community If you still want to have the access to 9TDAYVC from today, Links Below 👇 But the journey doesn't stop here, Preparing up beautiful VC Case Studies for you all the founders. Also, Let me know your feedback.Tip- Turn on "Anonymous" & post your honest feedback:) Remember, Winners never quit is a lie but they quit at the right time 🎯
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