wedding season on then the latest trand, wedding card shared in WhatsApp,I have new idea create the AI generated the tools,then the guaranteed success my Idea,but I have no funding
Nizam Sheikh
Stealthย โขย 1m
very good
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Recommendations from Medial
Aaradhya Sinha
Stealthย โขย 9m
Good very ggood
1 replies10 likes
Kundan Karmakar
Stealthย โขย 5m
Very thank ful to the founders of Medial for creating such good social platform.
What are your thoughts about competitshun company?
I find them not go good.
This market is very cluttered and Ed tech is already very negative and this company is kind of, just like peyush side, competition obsessed.
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Shivansh Tiwari
Stealthย โขย 4m
Hello stock market trading is very risky but if you know right knowledge and practice.
You can make a good profit in trading
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Kalpit Bhilala
Stealthย โขย 27d
the area i live in Its education system is very weak, it can be a good business if you get the same facility.
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Mayank Kumar
Stealthย โขย 6m
A very interesting post i saw today on the inc42 page!
This speaks alot about brandvalue!
If you have had a good past even investors trust you!
I am writing chemicals here. This is very loud but good and focused branding. We need brands that use safe chemicals in food, homecare and beauty products
This is my very first post, I just found medial, seems interesting, i am working on a project from a very long time in the healthcare field. Need a good co-founder thats why here i am posting this. If anyone is interested in healthcare startup, kindl