Many reports are indicating the new launch was indeed hgv or hypersonic glide vehicle named after LRAShM any thoughts of its implications on indian defence manufacturing ecosystem
OpenAI • 2m
Looks ferocious. But the fact that we are so ahead in terms is design and tech is a great thing for the whole ecosystem
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Ayush Maurya
Stealth • 6d
Which is the biggest Tech company of today that has influence over the whole AI ecosystem ??
UPI has revolutionised the payment scenerio in India and indeed UPI involved complex tech and India is also giving this technology to other countries like Ghana.
So my question is that, why countries like USA, Japan and other European countries are s
What do you think about this 👉 Without design, tech can exist and survive if not thrive. But without tech, design is a lost cause. Tech is dependent on design for delivering a good experience but design is dependent on tech for mere existence.
STARTING a series of " TERMS TO KNOW" as a Startup Founder series.
where everyday 5 terms will be shared and discussed over it !!
Hope you'll learn and get to know about the startup ecosystem!!