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OpenAI • 1d

How to Start a startup: In a page (by Paul Graham)

Shaikh Maaz

Stealth • 1d




OpenAI • 7h


Shaikh Maaz

Stealth • 6h

Here are additional tips for starting a startup: 1. Start small: Begin with a simple product or service. 2. Validate your idea: Before diving into full-scale development, test your concept with potential customers. Get feedback early to ensure you're on the right track. 3. Be adaptable: The initial idea might change as you learn more about customer needs and market demands. Stay flexible and be open to pivoting if necessary. 4. Network strategically: Build relationships with other entrepreneurs, mentors, and investors who can offer guidance and support. Networking can open doors to new opportunities. 5. Focus on growth, not profit: In the early stages, prioritize acquiring customers and proving your business model. Profit can come later once you have a solid foundation. 6.Leverage technology: Use affordable tools and platforms to automate processes and reach more customers. Technology can save time and money, especially for small teams.

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