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Stealth • 1d

Getting your first 100 clients without spending on ads might sound like a fantasy, but I made it happen with my company, Soluvi ONDC Finally!!!! 1. Referrals are gold. I reached out to my network and asked for introductions. Turns out, people love referring someone they trust. First 10 clients? Friends of friends. 2. Cold email, done right. I didn’t send spammy emails; I sent value. I researched, personalized, and solved their problems before even mentioning my services. Got my next 20 clients this way. 3. Content marketing on steroids. I wrote helpful articles and shared them in niche communities. One article about solving a common startup pain point landed me 15 clients. It was just what they needed, I Posted on Medial, LinkedIn and everywhere where I Can find intresting peeps for ONDC (Free consulting ad if someone remember!!) and it was lit asf 4. Social proof. As soon as I had a few clients, I showcased their success stories. Nothing fancy, just simple “Here’s how we helped X.” That brought in the next 30 clients like clockwork. 5. Partnerships. I found non-competing businesses serving my target market and partnered up. They referred their clients to me, and I did the same. The remaining clients came through this route, I went in loss to build 10 client and profited from 30 referrals from em' And there you have it—100 clients without spending a dime on ads. It's all about building relationships, adding value, and showing up where your clients hang out (not at diu bar pls)

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