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Preksha Srivastava

Stealth • 6d

Hi folks! I am simply a graduate right now and am preparing for something next year . I simply earn 1k to 2k a month, which is like nothing much but not less enough. what would you guys suggest me to build a good portfolio. I would rather spend that See More


Stealth • 4d

hi first up all congrats on graduation. as you are into tuitions expand that base by choosing one subject you can do bed m ed for better opportunity. chosse one or two subjects and master that art you can do freelancing you can go further n do invligator things you can use platform like youtube live sessions etc or you can post videos make a bigger aim to teach students in foreign colleges, universities or may be best colleges of the country. may be one day u will get best teachers award from president of india.your name will recognized all over the country.in big newspapers all the very best n continue teaching as teaching is considered noble sacred profession teachers are the starting point of a student life all the best

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