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Rajesh R

Stealth • 4d

Why IIT/IIM Founders Get Funded Easily—and How You Can Too Without That Background! It’s true, founders from IIT/IIM often get funding faster due to their networks and perceived credibility. But you don’t need a fancy degree to succeed. Here’s how you can get funded without it: 1️⃣ Show Traction: Investors love proof. Even small wins with customers or users can make a big difference. 2️⃣ Network Smart: Leverage LinkedIn, startup events, and incubators to meet investors and mentors. 3️⃣ Tell Your Story: Investors invest in people. Highlight your journey and how your background uniquely qualifies you to solve the problem. 4️⃣ Execution is Key: Build a strong team and prove your ability to scale. 5️⃣ Find the Right Investors: Target those who focus on innovation and results, not just credentials. Remember, investors fund potential, not degrees! What’s your take? Does degree really matter? #startupfunding #entrepreneurs #founderlife #fundraising #startups #IIT #IIM

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