Former congress Spokesperson made an allegation again on SEBI chief Ms. Madhvi buch as even after quitting job from ICICI bank and joining SEBI she used to take some shot of pension from the bank was about 16 crores more or less .
Plans and maps, I used to make when I was in 8th grade. Hope it works for youu as It has helped me a lott, in the path of self improvment. 🌝
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Krrish Khindria
Stealth • 22d
How great it will be if medial also launches its extension like this , everytime I open a new tab medial news on my feed 🙌🌝. Cheery on Cake feature please take it as a suggestion.
How's your view on this?
5 replies6 likes
Ayush Maurya
Stealth • 18d
How hard it was for you to get your first user / customer / client onboard ?
What did it cost you ?
1 replies4 likes
Ayush Maurya
Stealth • 1m
You understand it by experimenting with it.
You will do experiments only when you start using.
So get your hands on experience on the new AI tools.
Talk to them.
Get the output.
0 replies3 likes
Stealth • 3m
they deserve it
but "will get back to you regarding this matter"