If a new social media platform launched, what features would you want to see? 🤔 More privacy? Better content moderation? Innovative tools? Share your thoughts!
Butterflies, a new social media app created by a former Snap engineer, allows users to design autonomous AI profiles called Butterflies that are imbued with unique personalities and backstories. Then, the AI personas take on lives of their own by ind
Judge people based on their friend circle!
It works!
I haven't seen butterflies sitting on Shit!
P.S - While family has an influence too, you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends.
Do you ever felt your heart racing, feeling butterflies in stomach ,hard to sleep,worried without any reason?
It's ANXIETY ...
→You feel really worried or scared, even if there's no danger.
→Due to an imbalance of stress hormones cortisol and adre