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Stealth • 8d

🚀 Crafting Your MVP:Why MVP Matters: • Validates your idea quickly • Saves time and resources • MVPs can reduce development time by up to 60% Want inspiration? ✨Dropbox MVP • Started with just a video demo • Gathered 70,000 email signups overnight • Validated demand before building a full product Steps to Find Your MVP: 1. Identify Core Problem • Focus on main issue you're solving • Talk to potential customers to pinpoint their biggest pain point 2. List Key Features • Brainstorm all possible features • Ruthlessly prioritize to essentials only • 80% of users typically use only 20% of features 3. Build Prototype • Create a basic working version • Use tools like Figma/InVision for quick mockups • Aim 4 "good enough" not "perfect" 4. Test with Users • Get real feedback from target audience • Observe how they interact with your product • Testing with just 5 users can uncover 85% of usability issues 5. Iterate Rapidly • Refine based on user feedback b prepared to pivot if necessary

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