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Stealth • 9d

In 2012, Google faced a dilemma. They were falling behind in cloud computing while Amazon Web Services (AWS) was quickly becoming the go-to platform for developers. Google could’ve stuck with their core business—search and advertising—but they saw where the market was heading. So, they made a bold move and invested heavily in Google Cloud. Fast forward to today, Google Cloud is now generating over $32 billion in annual revenue, and it's a key player in the cloud industry. Compare that to IBM, once a dominant force in tech. They hesitated to fully embrace cloud computing and are now struggling on #6 to keep up with their competition. The takeaway? The companies that thrive are the ones that recognize change and act on it, even when it feels risky. Data alone isn’t enough; it's how you use that data to make decisive moves. Google had the data, saw the trend, and made the jump. IBM? Not so much. Lesson? The future waits for no one. Recognize the shift, or get left behind.

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