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Time plus Im karthik Here is the idea im had is to save time Im many conditions like in salon , hospital etc we have weit for long time so to avoid this i had an idea to develop an app in that we can book a appointment from that app the app will

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karthik jonny

Stealth • 23d

For example in salon for one persion it took minimum 30mins for normal cutting. For the persion who had taken appointment there will be 10 mins more waiting time , so that if there is any dilay bythe first persion it get covered if there is further any delay it will showen in app reasion for delay and time If the salon person had compited in time or befor the time then the time gap will covered , if the persion is not available in salon at his appointment skip notification is send to costomer to skip or not there will be some weiting period like 5mis if he still not availabe then this appointment is automatically time his appointment is skiped or cancelled and moved forwar and his appointment update is showed in app .

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