Movie Recommendations which are startup and business focused!
Already watched : Social Network, Upstarts, Steve Jobs, the founder - mc Donalds, wolf of wall street, Pursuit of happiness.
Suggest more 😁
Yeah you can watch that then you can watch Rocket Singh also
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Recommendations from Medial
Stealth • 10m
Watch all these movies now and believe you will get mind-blowing refreshing ideas and mindset for your startups.
1=} the persuit of happyness
2=} the founder
3=} the wolf of Wall Street
4=} scam 1992
5=} Steve jobs
6=} rocket Singh
7=} money hiest
See More
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Suprodip Bhattacharya
Stealth • 5m
Suggest some books for startups except the diary of a CEO and zero to one
And also suggest some startup related mobies except pitchers,social network,super pumped,rocket singh,guru
Have you ever seen anyof the Rajasthan tourism ads. These ads are how an ad should be that even after 8 years of its launch, I'm telling you to watch it
Watch and then tell how can we make such ads for our business too?
Have You Guys watched sasta sharktank. Do you remember the last pitch of YALE University. If Not, then please watch and we may start our own collage as soon as possible.
STARTS AT 25:45 (please not that the last pitch doesn't contain any bad words.
If you want to earn money work hard.
If you want to create money then let people do your hard work
- By Ayush Singh
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Rohan Mehta
Stealth • 10m
who else wants him back !!
also recommend you to watch WeCrash on apple tv
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Aakash kashyap
Stealth • 3m
watch this video if you also make plans but never complete them, You overthink and relying on social media all days
Hope this videos help you ❤🔥
watch till the end ⏱️