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prabhas bhargav

Stealth • 15d

Well my CEO has handed me over the marketing department and one of the target set for me is to reach 10000 non Indian followers and start generating leads form them in next 2 months can you suggest ways how can I achive my target


Stealth • 15d

Hi, Depends on the niche Or product or value proposition you can offer to the prospects. Based on probable value you are looking to communicate, you need to analyse the current team's skills, strength and workload capabilities. If any task can be automated, please look at it. If budget is a constraint, setting up of cold outreach processes, updated website with visitors having the option to drop their enquiry with concerned personnel from marketing can aid. Target locations, shift systems to handle off time inbound approaches etc. , can be considered. You can add and subtract actions based on the path that suits you. All the very best!

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